Saturday, May 22, 2010

Greek Presentation

Wow. That sure was splendid talking in front of many people. Especially pretending to be a Greek goddess. I was Demeter, the Greek goddess of harvest and crops. My mom thinks me and a couple of my friends were the best because we caught her attention. I think that too because some people weren't really funny and one person was forgetting some of there notes. I think the best boy who played was Jonathan because his speech made me laugh. Though the presentation  was very nice, I think some people need to improve. I'm lucky because I get to play Demeter again.
"See you later Greek goddess, In a while being modest"

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Prediction for The Tiger rising

I'm in chapter 6 in The Tiger Rising where Rob has to stay at home for a couple of days because the principle thought that Rob's contagious thing in his leg would go away if Rob took a rest but the truth is that it will never go away. So I think that when Rob reaches home his father would get frustrated because if he told the school that it will never go away, Rob might be forbidden to go to school and if he did not say anything then Rob would have to stay at home. Maybe at the end Rob will have to be home schooled. Poor Rob

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

how the book engaged me

Do you know the book The Tiger Rising? I did a post of my prediction to it and guess what? I started reading it. The very first couple of sentences made me want to read it. This is called a hook. A hook makes you want to read the book by giving you an emotion. Mines was curiosity. It made me think and ask Questions. One of mines was " who is Rob?". I wish all books gave me an emotion.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

reading response

Have you ever heard of the book The Tiger Rising by Kate Di Camillo? I've  never heard of it until this morning. I'm not quite sure what it is about but it looks like a tragic story but ends happily and I can infer that it could be about the population of  tigers  dropping but end up rising because the book is called "The Tiger Rising". Since the book has a picture of a girl riding a tiger, the tigers could be saved by the girl because she stopped hunters from shooting the mammals with her imagination, and she was determined to let them free from cages  probably because she was sneaky. If my prediction is correct than this book would have two lessons. One to be determined and two to help the animals whom are endanger.

Monday, April 12, 2010

About Me

Hi. My name is Tamara Turki and I am from Palestine and Jordan. I live in Amman and I go to school at ACS Jordan. If you would like to see how I look go on Youtube for tamaraturki2000. And I have a site that will be published later on. My best friends are Lara, Miriam, Lily, Kara and my new best friend Grace. 2 live in Jordan, 2 live in Qatar and 1 lives in Thailand.